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Cleaning and Organizing Your Refrigerator

Image for Cleaning and Organizing Your Refrigerator

The refrigerator is one of the most useful appliances we have in our homes. Without it, our food won’t last, and we’ll have to keep buying groceries. Since our refrigerator keeps our food fresh and us safe from food poisoning, it’s only right to treat it the best we can.

The idea of deep cleaning and organizing one’s fridge may sound daunting, but it’s easy once you get the hang of it. If you’re not sure where to start, worry not—we’ve compiled tips to help you clean and organize your refrigerator.

Empty Your Fridge

To properly clean and organize your fridge, empty out your fridge first. This may be a tedious task, but this will only make it easier for you to organize your food items. It’s also a way for you to check in on what’s inside your refrigerator. If you find spoiled or expired food, toss it out in the trash. Germs in spoiled food could spread to your refrigerator, so it’s best to nip it in the bud.

Give Your Fridge a Good Wipe Down

If you have a messy fridge, there’s a good chance that it needs a deep cleaning. With all the food you put into it, you might not notice that its surfaces and corners are getting grimy. So, after emptying your fridge, get a clean towel and a bucket of warm, soapy water so that you can start giving it a good wipe down. Rinse away the soap by wiping it again with clean water and then dry it off with a clean towel.

Organize Food by Type

Once you’ve cleaned your refrigerator, it’s time to return your food items inside. Instead of organizing them by height or color, organize them by food type. Food groupings can be dairy, fruits, vegetables, drinks, prepared meals, or condiments. By keeping these types of food together, you’ll have a much easier time locating specific items when you need them.

Invest in Bins and Food Containers

To better separate the food types from one another, you can buy bins and food containers so that you can pull the food groupings out to easily get to what you need. Similar to a refrigerator’s built-in container for fruits and vegetables, these added bins will help you organize your food better. Having clear containers will also help you easily find what you are looking for within the bin.

Place Food You Grab the Most at the Front

Once you’ve organized your food by type, choose the items you use most frequently. If you tend to grab a drink from the fridge often, place them somewhere accessible. If you have snacks you know you’ll consume soon, leave them at the front. The same rule should apply for the food items you don’t use much—leave them at the back so that they’re out of the way.

You should be consistent in cleaning and organizing your fridge. It may be tempting to leave it alone for months on end, but you’ll only be giving your future self a harder time. Do yourself a favor and organize your fridge at least once a month, and then deep clean it every four months to avoid grime and expired items from accumulating.

Trust me, your food and future self will appreciate it.

Augusta Commons Apartments in Marietta, GA

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