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Community Blog

Be More Giving in 2017 with the Atlanta Mission 5K Race

Image for Be More Giving in 2017 with the Atlanta Mission 5K Race
Run in the cold for those who sleep in the cold!

On February 18, 2017, a cold Saturday morning in Atlanta, thousands of men, women, and children will take to the streets of downtown Atlanta to run/walk a road race in the cold. The city of Atlanta is home to over 7,000 homeless individuals, people who face the perilous conditions of winter without a roof over their heads. Your registration will cover one night of shelter and services for someone who would otherwise spend the night in the cold, on the streets. Provide hope this February. Join us in the race to end homelessness.

Augusta Commons Apartments, providing the perfect balance of comfortable and convenient apartments in Marietta, Georgia, is helping spread the word about this special event happening in our community!

Event Time/Date:
Saturday, February 18, 2017— 8:00 AM

Event Venue Location:
Centennial Olympic Park
265 Park Avenue Northwest
Atlanta, Georgia 30313

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